Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chicken Noodle

1 pack of noodles * are still wrapped in flour rather than egg noodles *
topping chicken mushroom
mixing oil
bakchoy or mustard greens
complement: sliced green onions - tongcay sweet / salty - fried onions

2 pcs chicken thigh / chest
2 ounces sliced mushrooms
3 cloves crushed bwg-white in it, was dikeprek gak
2 tablespoons cooking oil
fish sauce - sugar - oysters - sweet soy sauce to taste

Heat non-stick frying pan put the chicken thighs on top-up to exit the water, cook until half cooked lift
and after cold suwir2 or cut the chicken kecil2 tsb
saute garlic until fragrant, put mushrooms and chicken * will exit the water from the mushrooms tsb *
add the soy sauce - sugar - soya sauce and oyster sauce
-cooked and thickened

OIL mixer

70 ml cooking oil * is * to taste
4 cloves white bwg keprek
soy sauce - sugar

oil heat
enter saute garlic over low heat until cooked
add the soy sauce
brewed 1 part / roll noodles until tender
prepare a bowl of noodles and pour the oil by mixing 1 tablespoon.
enter the noodles and stir until well blended with the oil
add chicken mushrooms - vegetables - onions fried - tongcay - sliced green onions - tongcay sweet / salty - fried onions

Recipe MeatBall

250 grams beef, minced it very fine,
125 grams flour
25 cc water
1 / 2 tablespoon salt
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 / 4 teaspoon pepper

Chicken soup:
750 cc chicken broth
1 / 2 teaspoon ground pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1 leek, thinly sliced

How to make Meatball:
1. Mix the ground beef with flour, salt, garlic, and pepper, knead with a little water added until the dough is smooth.
2. Boil water is a bit much, then reduce the heat until the water does not boil again.
3. Fist batter to get out of hand, sendoki and insert it into the boiling water before,
4. Boil about 10 minutes, keep the water not to boil for meatballs is not broken.
5. Chicken soup: boil chicken broth, put pepper and salt, stir well, then enter the meatballs, bring to a boil again, remove from heat, sprinkle with scallions.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ice Cream

Young Coconut Ice Cream

1 / 2 ltr fresh sus
100 ml of coconut water
1 SDK cornstarch, dissolve slightly in water
3 chicken eggs, take the yellow of course and then shaken
200 gr young coconut meat
100 mk heavy cream

Combine coconut milk and water then mix well
Cook over low heat while stirring continues until the heat
Enter the cornstarch liquid and then stirring constantly until boiling
Ambi little dough then mix with egg yolk.
Enter back into the batter. Cook until boiling then remove and keep on stirring until the steam is  lost.
Add young coconut meat and cream and stir well.
After a somewhat cold, put in freezer until half frozen.
Stir until blended and then save it back in the freezer until frozen.
Serve in small glass cups