Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chicken Noodle

1 pack of noodles * are still wrapped in flour rather than egg noodles *
topping chicken mushroom
mixing oil
bakchoy or mustard greens
complement: sliced green onions - tongcay sweet / salty - fried onions

2 pcs chicken thigh / chest
2 ounces sliced mushrooms
3 cloves crushed bwg-white in it, was dikeprek gak
2 tablespoons cooking oil
fish sauce - sugar - oysters - sweet soy sauce to taste

Heat non-stick frying pan put the chicken thighs on top-up to exit the water, cook until half cooked lift
and after cold suwir2 or cut the chicken kecil2 tsb
saute garlic until fragrant, put mushrooms and chicken * will exit the water from the mushrooms tsb *
add the soy sauce - sugar - soya sauce and oyster sauce
-cooked and thickened

OIL mixer

70 ml cooking oil * is * to taste
4 cloves white bwg keprek
soy sauce - sugar

oil heat
enter saute garlic over low heat until cooked
add the soy sauce
brewed 1 part / roll noodles until tender
prepare a bowl of noodles and pour the oil by mixing 1 tablespoon.
enter the noodles and stir until well blended with the oil
add chicken mushrooms - vegetables - onions fried - tongcay - sliced green onions - tongcay sweet / salty - fried onions

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