Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wedding Cake Recipe


  • 10 egg yolks 
  • 7 egg whites 
  • 225 grams sugar 
  • ½ tablespoon SP 
  • 125 grams flour 
  • 30 grams cocoa powder 
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder 
  • 100 grams of margarine, melted 
  • ½ teaspoon brown paste
Materials syrup (mix):

  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon hot water

Buttercream (all whipped until the white material):

  • 200 grams of white butter 
  • 150 grams margarine 
  • 350 grams sweetened condensed milk 
  • 250 grams dark cooking chocolate
  1. Mix the flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder. Mix well.
  2.  Beat eggs, sugar, and SP until fluffy. Enter as he sifted flour mixture. Stir until blended. Add margarine and chocolate pasta and stir well. 
  3. Pour batter into a round baking pan diameter 22 cm, oven 45 minutes until cooked. 
  4. Solution: cut cake crosswise into 3 parts, wet the simple syrup. 
  5. Take ½ part cream, add chocolate cook who've dilelehin. 
  6. Place 1 layer of cake, smear with chocolate butter cream, then stack a second layer, topical and decorated with butter cream or whatever preferred.
Cake can be made ​​a variety of forms 


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sate Recipe


Satay Recipe Ingredients:
     * 1 / 2 kg beef
     * 1 beef tongue boiled until slightly soft

Subtle Seasonings :

     * 4 pieces garlic, minced
     * 5 pieces of minced red onion
     * 2 cm ginger crushed
     * 3 pieces of turmeric leaf
     * 10 seeds finely ground red pepper
     * 1 vertebra crushed saffron
     * 1 / 4 teaspoon cumin
     * slightly acidic kandis
     * lemongrass sticks / powder
     * Salt to taste
     * rice flour to taste


  1. Prepare a pot, boiled beef and cooked until tender.
  2. Turn off heat, set aside the meat and cut the meat to taste. Save water used stew.
  3. Heat a frying pan, saute 1 / 2 ground spices (the remaining half for the soup) and its other dry seasonings until fragrant. Enter the beef that has been in pieces, add tamarind water, soy sauce, salt. Stir until the spices soak into the meat.
  4. Set aside, skewer the meat with a skewer sate.Panggang while behind until cooked meat.
  5. Heat the remaining cooking water back to the meat, insert the beef broth and remaining 1 / 2 ground spices, add the rice flour solution.
  6. Stir until blended and thickened, if too thick can add water according to taste.
  7. Taste the feeling of her, if there is a lack of seasoning to taste, can be added.  Serve skewers that have been burned, along with rice cake and sprinkle with fried onions.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


1 onion, chopped
250 grams of chicken meat, minced
100 grams of carrots, diced
100 cc of liquid milk
3 / 4 teaspoon nutmeg powder
1 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon ground pepper
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon water
100 grams of flour parnir

2 eggs
150 grams of wheat flour
500 cc of liquid milk
1 / 2 teaspoon salt

How to make:

Contents: saute onion until softened, then enter the chicken and carrots and stir well.
Add milk, salt, pepper powder, sugar, nutmeg powder, and flour,
stir well and cook until cooked and thickened.


mix eggs, milk, and salt, then put a little flour, stir until blended and smooth, then thin omelette
into 15 pieces.

Fill in the contents of each sheet of dough fried skin, wrap, then dip in beaten eggs mixed with a little water, remove from heat.
Roll on parnir flour, then fried in hot oil until brown and then serve.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chocolate tart

For 16 pieces
Chocolate tart Ingredients:
6 eggs
125 grams granulated sugar
1 ½ tsp emulsifier (SP / TBM)
125 grams cake flour
30 grams cocoa powder
15 grams milk powder
½ teaspoon baking powder
125 grams margarine, melted
½ teaspoon brown paste
400 grams buttercream to spread

Material contents:
100 ml of liquid milk
250 grams dark cooking chocolate, chopped
100 grams of honey peanuts, finely chopped

Toping Material:
100 ml of liquid milk
1 tablespoon honey
200 grams dark cooking chocolate, chopped

Materials syrup (mix)
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 tablespoons warm water
1 tablespoon essence rhum

How to make a tart Chocolate Cake (chocolate tart):
  1. Cake: Beat eggs, sugar, and emulsifier until fluffy. Add flour, cocoa powder, milk powder, and baking powder as she sifted and mix evenly.
  2. enter the melt margarine and chocolate paste, stirring a little bit slowly
  3. pour in pan diameter 22 cm, height 7 cm which dioles dialas margarine and baking paper
  4. oven 35 minutes with a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius until cooked
  5. Contents: preheat the liquid milk. Turn off the fire. Enter the dark cooking chocolate pieces. Stir until chocolate has melted. Add peanut honey. Mix well. Chill. Beat the average
  6. 3 split cake. Take a piece of cake. Rub the syrup ingredients. Rub with the content material. Cover again with another cake.
  7. Cover cake with butter cream. Line sides with a ruler triangle. Chill.
  8. Toping: preheat the liquid milk and honey. Turn off the fire. Enter the dark cooking chocolate pieces. Stir until chocolate has melted.
  9. Pour over the cake until the sides are not flat. Cool and decorate with fruits

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pizza Hut Recipes

Pizza Hut Recipe Ingredients:
1 1 / 3 cup warm water
1 / 4 cup non-fat milk
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
4 cups flour
1 teaspoon sugar
1 package dry yeast
2 tablespoons vegetable oil for bread pizza
9 oz vegetable oil
PAM butter to taste

Pizza Hut Sauce Ingredients:
1 (8 Ounce) tomato sauce
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 / 2 teaspoon Marjoram
1 / 2 teaspoon dried basil
1 / 2 teaspoon onion salt

How to Make Bread Pizza Hut:

    1. Put yeast, sugar, salt and dry milk in large bowl
    2. Add water and mix well
    3. Let stand for 2 minutes
    4. Add oil and stir
    5. Add flour and stir until dough is formed and all the flour mixed
    6. Place dough in a flat, and Adoni for 10 minutes
    7. For those into 3 parts
    8. Wet your pizza pan with oil and flatten
    9. Roll pizza dough with a rolling pin
   10. Put in pan pizza adomain
   11. Spray PAM on the outside edge of dough
   12. Cover with a plate
   13. Place in a warm place and allow up to 1.5 hours until the dough inflates

How to Make Pizza Sauce:

    1. Mix all ingredients and let stand for 1 hour

How to Make Pizza:

    1. Preheat oven
    2. Take 1 / 3 cup pizza sauce and spread over the dough, not to touch the edges
    3. Sprinkle some mozzarella cheese over sauce
    4. Letangkan your choice of toppings such as pepperoni or salted fish
    5. Sprinkle more mozzarella cheese
    6. Bake until the cheese to form balls and turned into a brownish adomain

Recipes from the desert - Acid Flesh Padeh

Padang cuisine are now very familiar and has many fans in Indonesia. Rich in flavor, many containing spices and coconut milk is one that makes a variety of cuisine Padang preferred. Here are some recipes you can try Padang.

Meat Recipes Padeh Acid
1 kilogram of meat
¼ pounds of ground red pepper
12 cloves garlic (finely ground)
18-20 red onion (finely ground)
Ginger and galangal 1 vertebra (of thumb)
Citrus leaves 6 pieces
Bay leaves 5 ​​pieces
1 stalk lemongrass (crushed slightly)
Acid kandis 3 eggs (starfruit wuluh 6 items) inserted later
Salt to taste

boiled meat with all the spices, until the water dried up meat
Add water to taste, cook until meat is tender
Enter kandis acid / starfruit.
Cook until sauce is low / thickens