Friday, August 19, 2011

Cheese peanut cake


  • 100 gr margarine 
  • 150 gr cream cheese 
  • 100 gr creamy peanut butter 
  • 75 gr sugar 
  • 4 eggs 
  • 100 gr flour 
  • 25 gr cornstarch 
  1. Beat margarine, cream cheese, peanut butter, and sugar until smooth
  2. Add eggs one by one while continuing to be shaken until smooth.
  3. Enter the flour and cornstarch with sifted and mix evenly.
  4. Pour into a loaf pan covered with paper and spread with margarine. Oven 30 minutes with a temperature of 180 degrees centigrade.
tips: whisk mixture of margarine, cream cheese, peanut butter and sugar need not be too long, just until mixed origin

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