Sunday, May 15, 2011

Yogurt Recipe

1. starter / stater yogurt (can buy diswalayan, plain / fresh) 50ml
2. UHT milk or powdered milk 500ml

Steps to make yogurt:
1. Prepare the milk that was diluted with 1 liter of boiled water and add the milk cream as much as 15%.
2. Cook over low heat, stirring continued for 30 minutes but do not boil. It is only intended to evaporate the water so that later will form lumps or solid yogurt.
3. If you have, solid yoghurt then removed and cooled approximately until lukewarm then add the yogurt seed as much as 2-5% of the amount of yogurt that has been thickened earlier. Seeds of yogurt is not sold in the market freely but can you earn in one store. Or are we simply can use the plain yogurt (no flavor added), no sugar and no flavor as the seeds of yogurt. 

4. Let stand for 24 hours in a closed container to produce a sour taste and a condensed form.  
5. The higher the total community bond, the remaining clear liquid the less, and yoghurt produced the better. Solid yogurt that has not been given this extra flavor yogurt can also be used as seeds for further manufacture.
6. After the yogurt can be added in the form of syrup or sugar for which no strong acid, even with additional flavorings can be added to flavor foods such as oranges, strawberries and lychees we can get in pharmacies. Yogurt can be served not only as a beverage, but also can be served with fruit salad as a dressing or as a mixture of ice pieces. 

7. Yogurt that is so can be placed in a plastic container or glass. Even if we want to use plastic containers should be a bit thick, but if you want to save the yogurt for a longer time should use a glass container.

1. Choose a thick yogurt.
2. Choose yogurt stored at cold temperatures outside do that because usually been sterilized again so mikroorganismenya gone.
3. Label observed that plain yogurt or yogurt drinks tailored to our needs.
4. Observed date of expiration.

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