Friday, May 20, 2011

Steamed Cake Bolu

500 grams of wheat flour
500 gram granulated sugar
4 eggs
2 tablespoons TBM
300 ml coconut milk from half coconut
cocoa powder and coloring to taste

Steamed Cake Bolu Recipe Directions:

  • Prepare cake mold and the contents therein cup cake
  • Mixer sugar + egg + TBM until fluffy, then enter n coconut flour alternately little by little until the HBS while still dimixer after the dough is well mixed turn off mixer
  • Take about 10 tablespoons of batter and then given a brown powder or dye mix
  • Enter the distinguished white batter into the mold which was filled cup and then fill in a little batter above it which has given color
  • Heat the steamer [cap boiler hrs filled layer] then steamed dough yg sdh included mold kedlm td steamed 15-20 minutes [do not open-open lid steamer until cooked cake] one last mixer.

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